身近な素材として「光と色」に着目し、人々のうちにあるポジティブになるためにエネルギーや インスピレーションを掻き立てる空間を目指した。 太陽の光がカラーパネルを通過することで床や柱、内部にいる者に色が付着し360度色の空間 に包まれる。また風によってカラーパネルを回転することで外部の環境を内部へ映し出し、私達 の心に問いかけることで、過去や現在の記憶、そして未来への想像へ繋げている。
This space arouses the positive energy and inspiration that on the inside of us. I was suing the familiar light and colors. The space enough to wrap the person.
If the sunshine passes through the color panel, all of the floors, walls and ceiling will become the space of color. We will showering in the colors. When wind comes, the color panels start to moving which even excites us.Through the color panels, we can see the outside scenery and the reflect. People inside could also be seen.
When we stand there, we start to thinking about "past" , "present" and "future". We may not be healed by others, but when we asking ourselves, positive energy will come out. That could be really healing. I did the experiment with space, light and color.
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